I am briefly sharing a word with you concerning Camp Shetek in-between a group game and our time in worship and in the Word. So here goes in no particular order – this is just a bit of what I have seen and heard as it comes to my mind:
I have seen hands raised in worship as RT and his team has been leading us. I have seen tears in the eyes of counselors as they recount God’s grace upon the youth in their cabins. I have heard the praises of God’s children increase in earnestness as the week has progressed. I have heard the prayers of boys for the lost both here at camp and at home. I have seen a home-sick youth receive loving care as he is learning the lessons of trusting in God in hard places. I have heard of one girl who professed faith in Christ last night, who trusted in Jesus and repented of her sins which means that this morning was the first morning in her life when she woke up to God as her loving Shepherd and Savior. I have heard of a group of girls who were helping each other learn Jeremiah 17:5-10 by memory. I have seen amazing creativity in the young adult team. I have seen heart moving spiritual maturity as well in the young adult team and have walked away with my faith challenged because of it (I really mean this). I driven many groups of youth to a near by town for ice cream and learned yet again that boys and girls talk about different things and quite honestly they smell differently too (just in case you were wondering). I have heard Pastor Sam preach the gospel. I have heard Ben and Karen pour out their heart in teaching through Galatians. I have seen sin in my own heart as I am growing weary but have also seen the greater power of the gospel to shore up my faith in Jesus. I have been introduced to new people I have never known, who happen to be my brother/sister in the Lord. I have seen a special movement of the Spirit on Tuesday night as well as Wednesday night and am wondering what we He do tonight. I have seen a group of our team receive instruction and exhortation with a humble heart (God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble). I have heard the leadership team pray for marriages at home and for the youth as they prepare to re-enter “normal” life. I have seen one youth stay back after meal time to help do a double measure of clean up in the dining hall. I have seen a one-on-one aide lovingly care for the youth in his care 24x7 with a heart of kindness. It seems that he never tires! I praise God for His good work in this aide as well as in the youth he is loving. I have marveled at God’s sustaining grace upon our counselors and assistant counselors because they are getting even less sleep than I am. Additionally, they are seeing both hearts of worship and sin in the youth at levels that I don’t see which moves me to pray for them. They really do have rich opportunities to show the youth grace; to show them Jesus.
Moms and dads, our service is not only to your children but to you for we know that this camp is about over, but family life isn’t. Take heart, “My God will supply every need of yours [as parents and spouses] according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen” (Philippians 4:19).
Bud Burk
Thank you Pastor Bud. You have quite a memory! :) How awesome it would be there to witness all this.