Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Wednesday Overview

Even though Camp is over, I really do not think that fact should inhibit me from finishing what I started. Hopefully the last days will be written up.

Wednesday's morning session was titled “Battling Lies with the Truth of the Holy Spirit”. I noticed one point that many of the girls took to heart. In response to the discussion question (what is the hardest/ most confusing thing to you about the Holy Spirit) Mrs. McDermott stated we think we are the ones to muster the inspiration, joy, energy, and all else that comes from the Holy Spirit. Just as guinea pigs cannot manufacture their own essential, vitamin C, so are we, humans who cannot create the Spirit of truth and holiness within us on our own.

As always, various games were scattered throughout the day. Some were (this is an undisclosed opinion) gross while others were hilariously creative as well as sprinkled with ridiculous characteristics. Some campers partook in the Mud Pie Feeding Frenzy with Chocolate pudding and gummy worms. Nate and Sarah made the brown stuff, and as I was writing a different post, I asked what they were doing. Nate looked up and matter-of-factually answered,

“We are stirring the pot.”

I think that explains enough, as we were all very tired. It became a small joke for the rest of the day, if only to emphasize how tired, but joyful, we were. Sarah would just laugh at anything when her tiredness reached a certain level.

Aside from the rather messy games that required a full sidewalk cleaning crew (please thank those jolly janitors and merry maids) cabin time took place, and most of the campers were inspired to memorize the verses for the week.

Wednesday was very cloudy, and it rained a bit as well. Though I am not comparing years of camp, I love it when campers and others do not let rain discourage them. Rain is not discouraging, but refreshing, and no one had a bad attitude about the short downpours, sprinkles, or sun showers.

Pastor Burk and Crabtree so graciously drove campers to “The Hub” for ice cream. I think everyone enjoyed just driving with either of these people. After ice cream, free time, swimming, crafts, and field games, it was time for supper, and afterward, another game.

This is one of my favorites (and no, it is not because I do not have to run...I love the running games). Each person's creativity comes out in the way they make their costumes and personalize their voices to match the characteristics of their assigned characters. This year there was everyone from the Joker and Harley (of course) to the Incredibles, from Katniss Everdeen to the Queen of Hearts. Because this game is Live Clue and so different from the running games, campers enjoyed this game quite a bit. It is an interesting experience to walk up to your Counselor and his/her assistants, only to find that he/she pretends not to know you.  He or she may even be yelling at you.  Who knows.

Pastor Sam's Wednesday evening session was so very wonderful. The chapel was not hot and stuffy, because of the heavenly rain, so the loud, whooshing fans were not used. The title of this session was “Suppressing the Truth in Unrighteousness”. Essentially, since “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”1, we suppress the truth.  We are all unrighteous, so our sin nature is to suppress God's truth.  The bad news is that all God's wrath is aimed at truth suppression.  It is His truth, and we are supposed to make it known, as Psalm 40:10 states: "I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and salvation.  I do not conceal your love and your truth from the great assembly."  However, since we have such a sinful nature, we often suppress this love and truth, which only makes God angry.  The good news, though, is that Jesus has claimed us, set us free from truth suppression, and put us in a position where we will not hide his righteousness, his truth, his love.

"As for me, I will declare this forever; I will sing praise to the God of Jacob."
Psalm 75:9


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday's Photos

You can view Thursday's pictures here.


A Pastoral Update


I am briefly sharing a word with you concerning Camp Shetek in-between a group game and our time in worship and in the Word. So here goes in no particular order – this is just a bit of what I have seen and heard as it comes to my mind:

I have seen hands raised in worship as RT and his team has been leading us. I have seen tears in the eyes of counselors as they recount God’s grace upon the youth in their cabins. I have heard the praises of God’s children increase in earnestness as the week has progressed. I have heard the prayers of boys for the lost both here at camp and at home. I have seen a home-sick youth receive loving care as he is learning the lessons of trusting in God in hard places. I have heard of one girl who professed faith in Christ last night, who trusted in Jesus and repented of her sins which means that this morning was the first morning in her life when she woke up to God as her loving Shepherd and Savior. I have heard of a group of girls who were helping each other learn Jeremiah 17:5-10 by memory. I have seen amazing creativity in the young adult team. I have seen heart moving spiritual maturity as well in the young adult team and have walked away with my faith challenged because of it (I really mean this). I driven many groups of youth to a near by town for ice cream and learned yet again that boys and girls talk about different things and quite honestly they smell differently too (just in case you were wondering). I have heard Pastor Sam preach the gospel. I have heard Ben and Karen pour out their heart in teaching through Galatians. I have seen sin in my own heart as I am growing weary but have also seen the greater power of the gospel to shore up my faith in Jesus. I have been introduced to new people I have never known, who happen to be my brother/sister in the Lord. I have seen a special movement of the Spirit on Tuesday night as well as Wednesday night and am wondering what we He do tonight. I have seen a group of our team receive instruction and exhortation with a humble heart (God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble). I have heard the leadership team pray for marriages at home and for the youth as they prepare to re-enter “normal” life. I have seen one youth stay back after meal time to help do a double measure of clean up in the dining hall. I have seen a one-on-one aide lovingly care for the youth in his care 24x7 with a heart of kindness. It seems that he never tires! I praise God for His good work in this aide as well as in the youth he is loving. I have marveled at God’s sustaining grace upon our counselors and assistant counselors because they are getting even less sleep than I am. Additionally, they are seeing both hearts of worship and sin in the youth at levels that I don’t see which moves me to pray for them. They really do have rich opportunities to show the youth grace; to show them Jesus.

Moms and dads, our service is not only to your children but to you for we know that this camp is about over, but family life isn’t. Take heart, “My God will supply every need of yours [as parents and spouses] according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen” (Philippians 4:19).

Bud Burk

Wednesday Photos

You can see the pictures here.


Tuesday Overview

Mrs.McDermott's morning session focused on faith vs. slavery. Three lies fell under the main point: "Lies We Believe".
  • Lies= Slavery=Emptiness=Shrub We cannot “do the law”. God wants us to be driven to himself because we cannot do that without him.
  • We are just as vulnerable to “good” lies as well as “bad” lies.
  • Satan does not care which lies we believe (good or bad) as long as we are believing lies.
We always think we can do everything on our own until a certain point, and when it becomes too much, we complain or ask God for help. We lie to ourselves, convincing ourselves that we can do everything, and when we do that, we become slaves, which leads to emptiness. And when you're empty, you're a shrub.
There is no difference between “good” and “bad” lies except their names. We are just as vulnerable to either. There is no substance in what is called a “white lie”, because that, in itself, is a label that lies.
Our enemy is not particular about what lies he wants us to believe. He does not care, and he has no preference whatsoever. He just wants us to accept his lies as acceptable, when they never are!

Campers and counselors participated in two evening games on Tuesday, the first was Safari, and the second, The Hungry Games. Each of the games involved a lot of running. Safari required all the counselors and assistants to dress up as safari animals including gorillas, cheetahs, hippopotami, snakes, and the honorable slug (Mr. Dau). To compete an Olympic Challenge, the campers had to run and collect tickets from the different animals. Whichever team collected the most tickets won. Each of the animals had to run from the campers except for the snakes, of which there were four. While the other animals would climb trees (gorillas), stay by the water (hippos, of course), run very fast (cheetahs), or slime people (the slug), the snakes would steal, kill, and destroy. Or something like that. Their job was to steal lives (black tape) as well as tickets collected. It was a long game, and at the end, people had a flaming hatred for those thieving snakes.

Hungry Games was a twist on capture the flag. There were no boundaries and no jail, but snipers and rovers roamed the grounds trying to keep campers from the objects that were worth the most points. It was quite intense.

During Tuesday evening's session, we heard the voices of many of the junior high students lifting their voices in prayer and praise to God! If you really take a moment to think about it, listening to their voices is such a privilege, such a blessing. The name of the session, Lies Have a Father, makes you realize that lies have an origin. It seems like such a simple thought, but it definitely requires effort and perseverance to dig out the root of an lie/problem. An example was excuse making. Many of the campers were able to identify with with this and share why so we could pray for them. Another was pride. Satan will attack it in different ways! We cannot just assume we will not be "fooled".

Before lights out, each cabin had time for daily reflection and prayer. Every good and perfect gift comes from above!

"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
1 John 4:4


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

En le flotte!

In other words, In the Rain.

I am writing a post about a day's overview as I pause to jot (or rather, tap...) this down, but I was just so blessed to witness the sweet fellowship some of the staff/assistants are having with siblings and campers.  Out in the rain.  His grace and love in moments like these is such a precious gift!

Tuesday's Photos

Here is the link for Tuesday's Photos.


Monday, Finally!

To be honest, it is hard to know where to start when trying to write a blog post such as this, but I hope this little passage informs you readers to a satisfying extent.  I also hope to have time to write up more happenings.  We shall see.

The day started with campers (who counselors thought were tired) waking at early hours. Mr. Dau, Nate Steller, and Sarah Langeland showing campers how to do real aerobics. If you want to know the definition of real aerobics, ask one of them. Who knows? They may even give you a demonstration.

After a filling breakfast and quiet devotional time, campers participated in team/cabin building activities including alphabetizing one another by first and last initial, spinning, and the human knot.

The two separate morning sessions were next. While Ben Collins leads the boys, Karen McDermott leads the girls sessions. This morning, her lesson was practical as well as applicable. The verses for the week are found in Jeremiah 17:5-10, and Mrs. McDermott focused on verses 7 & 8. Her three main points were interwoven into every part of the lesson.

  • Life only becomes harder as you get older
  • We (are free and do) make choices to be shrubs (sin nature) or trees (abiding in him).
  • We trust him because he's trustworthy, but also that he's trustworthy

If parents were sitting in chapel, heads probably would have been nodding in agreement with the first point: I know the Counselors and assistants were!
Mrs. McDermott showed her audience illustrations of shrubs and trees “Shrub” is a humorous-sounding word, but these shrubs are not good companions. They are prickly, irritant, and essentially, dry. No stream of refreshment for them! Tree, on the other hand, is not a funny word. Trees are planted by streams, and “when the heat comes...its leaves remain green” (vs. 8) There is no way that a tree planted firmly by the stream is going to turn into an ugly shrub.
And lastly, we trust him because he's trustworthy, is so endearingly practical. We trust him that he's trustworthy just because he IS. That is why his name is I AM. He is because he is.

Everyone was eager for lunch, and very satisfied afterward. “Noon Time News”, anticipated by all, was quite entertaining. This years, the masses witnessed Belinda Yackalot (Laurie Keswick), Wooster Walten Shimulpedic III, (Andrew Horning), and a Soviet Russian mailman (Justin Smith).

Pastor Crabtree's Monday evening session followed a blessed time of worship, and really engaged each camper in His word. Pastor Sam has a beautiful gift from our Heavenly Father, so what he says relates to any audience. He spoke on what issues make us vulnerable to lies, issues such as pride, fear, lack of faith, and ignorance. He then drew a line between the (aforementioned) issues, ones that are able to be defeated, and ones that we are “stuck with” but must fight against. The “unavoidable” list included unhealthy sinful appetites, deadlines and how they influence us, limitations we have, and the pressure of peers.

God is so good. Campers are healthy, digging in the word, and being cheerful even though close to exhaustion.

...I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save.” Isaiah 46:4


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

On Arrival

After a long, hot, almost four hour trip down to Slayton, Minnesota, all campers, staff, and additional teams arrived safely!

One would think this ride would give headaches, which it most likely did, but it did not alter the spirit of willingness each camper had.  Unloading three trailers of luggage is a task no one should underestimate, especially when a large percentage is that of the girls.  Assistant Counselors were assigned to unload the suitcases, sleeping bags, and yes, even pillow pets, into piles according to cabin color.  However, no assistant had to do it alone: A handful of campers shouted "Assembly line! Come on guys!"

Without hesitation or grumbling, the campers pitched in on unloading, and it was a sweet moment watching them initiate this act of helpfulness.

In the end, we are here!


Friday, June 8, 2012

2012 Shetek


This is the official blog for the 2012 Camp Shetek for BBC.

We will be updating this the week of camp with thoughts from the word, pictures, and more!
Keep checking back!

Josiah Bennett